Mechanical networks

This project serves as a toy example to showcase a TDD workflow and various approaches to design. For this reason we also setup project on gitlab including CI/CD pipelines, verifying various aspects of the code.


The framework computes effective stiffness of mechanical "circuits" (0D/1D networks) composed from set of linear spring with anisotropic stiffness linked in series and parallel. In particular, springs linked in parallel have effective stiffness given by

\[ k_\text{eff} = \sum\limits_i k_i, \]

while in series

\[ k_\text{eff} = \left[ \sum\limits_i \frac{1}{k_i} \right]^{-1}. \]

We provide couple essential components:

  • Library providing all essential methods to link it in, see documentation.
  • cmake package to simplify linking to 3rd party projects
  • Simple binary stiffness interface able to evaluate the



The library and executable alone depend only on standard library, standard compilers (tested g++ and clang++). However if optional components are enabled, they require further dependencies. In particular, we use GoogleTest for unit testing (libgtest-dev on Debian based OS), Doxygen for generating documentation (packaged doxygen, doxygen-latex, graphviz, dia on Debian) and valgrind for memory leak checks. Furthermore if code coverage is required, also gcovr is required.

To simplify the dependency dealing for users we also provide a dedicated docker image with all dependencies prepared (see also registries ).

Basic setup

We recommend to have build folder outside of the source code, e.g.

Project --+-- source
+-- build

This prevents pollution of source from build files and simplifies .gitignore.

Basic build then use cmake, in case of hierarchy above, it can look as something like:

cd build
cmake ../source/CMake
make -j
make install

Where last command allow us to install the library and Note that we refer to CMake folder inside source. We intentionally separated build system from the code in case it needs to be replaced.

In case unit tests are requested they have to be enabled first, the full set of commands then look like:

cd build
cmake -D INCLUDE_TEST=ON ../source/CMake
make -j

This will compile also tests, which will be located inside folder build/Testing/MechanicalNetworks. Either individual executables can be run or we can invoke from build folder ctest . to run them all:

cd build
cmake -D INCLUDE_TEST=ON ../source/CMake
make -j
ctest .

Tests themselves are scattered across the source code in *‍/Tests/* folders. Note that unit tests cover more tests and functionality then tests for binary found in source/CLI/Tests as they have much better access to all aspects.

Lastly one can also generate documentation by

cd build
make documentation

which will generate HTML documentation inside build/Documentation folder. Documentation can also be found online with all methods documented.

In case you decided to use provided docker image for build, it's recommended to bind the source only as read-only.


There are 3 supported ways how to use the project:

  • as a binary compiled from source
  • as a library attached to 3rd party project
  • using binary docker image with the library and application pre-installed


This is simplest case, binary reads line by line from standard input and for each line computes it's equivalent stiffness which prints to standard output. If there is an invalid/incomplete or otherwise faulty input. Program can be terminated by closing the standard input (e.g. Ctrl+D on Linux). Application terminates with an error message provided by an exception.

As a library

After the library is successfully built and installed, it's header files are exported along with a cmake package.

Minimal example of CMakeLists.txt to successfully link against library is:

find_package( MechanicalNetworks REQUIRED )
target_link_library( MyProg PRIVATE MechanicalNetworks::MechanicalNetworks )

Using the docker image

One can run the binary directly from the docker e.g.

docker run -it
> echo "[2,3,6]" | stiffness
> echo "(2,3,6)" | stiffness

Note, that the binary docker image also have nginx server installed hosting the documentation, e.g.:

docker run -it -p 8080:80

as long as the docker is running the documentation will be available at http://localhost:8080.

Known issues

Evaluation of stiffness() method is limited by the stack. At present, at standard Linux configuration, it means maximal depth of the network should not exceed 50000. If processing larger network is needed, one can increase the stack size by:

#Increase to 20 MiB from 10 MiB
ulimit -s 20480

Note that stack demands scale linearly with depth.